Hello Parents,
Our mission at Keiko Martial Arts is helping parents and children become highly successful and discover their full potential in life, at school, and at home.
But how?
The simple answer is just “copy” what other successful parents and children do. We know all successful people have these four characteristics in common:
1. The right attitudes (trying your best)
2. Habits (disciplines)
3. Thinking/Identity (growth mindset)
4. They do the reps
Of the four , the “right thinking” has to come first. Much like the food they eat, we have to make sure our child’s mind is well fed with thoughts that enrich and nourish. But just as eating too much junk food can make your child sick, the wrong thoughts repeated over time will adversely affect their mind and ultimately the course of their life.
September is a wonderful opportunity for us, as parents, and our children. It has become the unofficial NEW YEAR, because of our return to school, and the many tremendous opportunities to start new habits and routines it brings.
School starts Tuesday and brings a tremendous opportunity to build on last year’s success and momentum, or start fresh and create a whole new identity for yourself and your child. So as we do ever year at this time, we are about to feed your child’s mind with one of the most powerful nutrients.
We want our students to develop a love of school, and a love of learning. We know an enthusiastic approach to school is a crucial first step in developing a “growth mindset”. Your words become your thoughts and your thoughts become your identity.
There are two phrases we never allow at the dojo, and you never ever want to let your child say. We know kids that struggle repeat two destructive phrases: “I can’t” (that is why we counter by saying “Try my best”) and “I hate school.
Just as we can copy what successful people do, we can equally avoid what the unsuccessful do. I cannot tell you the number of parents that bring failing teens to us to “fix”. They are in middle or high school, getting F’s in classes, disrespectful, fighting with their parents, have few friends, are unmotivated, and do not care about their future.
feel for the parents because not only is this a nightmare for them but they feel helpless and utterly powerless to turn it around. The one thing all these struggling teens have in common is they repeatedly say “I hate school”.
You cannot say a negative word or think a negative thought at the same time as a positive word or positive thought. So to be proactive and keep those words from ever taking root in your child. We will repeat “I love school” over and over until it sticks!
Remember….Your words, your energy, and your enthusiasm will be mirrored and echoed by your child in everything they do at a young age. So choose your words and actions very carefully and watch the words your child uses carefully.
We do!
To your .....BEST YEAR EVER!!!
Sensei Keiko Karate – “Actually we do make Ninjas and Superheroes here………………we turn kids into Ninjas and we turn their parents into their superheroes!”