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Canadian Black Belt Gasshuku (Training camp)

Writer's picture: Sensei Sensei

Hello Parents and Students,

I wanted to start this week’s Mokuso by saying a huge thank you to you, the parents, for doing such a fantastic job during these difficult times. You are the number one educators in your child’s life, and the driving force behind creating the optimal learning environment at home for your children, and inline with the proper traditions of the IOGKF and Keiko dojo. Nicely Done!! We see it every day when your child comes to class dressed in their gis, a focused mindset, and with the proper manners and respect. You have turned your homes into dojos!! Powerful!!

When you raise your standard, and surround yourself with people with higher standards… You can’t help but reach higher!!! Way to step up!!!

Which brings me to my mokuso…….

This past weekend Canadian and World chief Instructor Sensei Tetsuji Nakamura hosted the annual IOGKF Canada Black Belt Gasshuku. This event is an annual opportunity for IOGKF Senseis, and Senpais from across the country, and from around the world, to study and train for three days under his watchful guidance.

This year our training was held online, with an extra special added seminar from Higaonna Sensei in Okinawa!! While the Black Belt Gasshuku is extremely valuable technically, and in helping preserve karate in its traditional form of practice, it also does something equally powerful. It serves as means to strengthen and enhance our organization, the people in it, and Keiko Dojo.

We are truly blessed to have Nakamura Sensei passing down his vast knowledge to us, and we cant wait to bring what we have learned back to you, our Keiko Dojo family.

It is my dream to eventually see every one of you at the Annual IOGKF Canadian Black Belt Gasshuku!! I couldn’t be more excited for you, the parents and students!

Have an amazing week! Sensei Chris and your Keiko TEAM

Keiko Karate – “Actually we do make Ninjas and Superheroes here………………we turn kids into Ninjas and we turn their parents into their superheroes!”

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